We Are Not Afraid
“We are not afraid” is the best lyrics to the song “We Shall Overcome.
Dr. Martin Luther King added those lyrics.
Living in fear is no way to live.
The only people who want you to live in fear are bullies.
That’s how they keep their psychological power over you.
What might be?
Always what might be and not what it is.
The opposition to fear and hate did not go away on November 5th.
You and I are here.
The truth…
The truth is on our side.
History is on our side.
Reality is on our side.
Fear has always concocted bizarre fantasies to keep people afraid.
“There be monsters here” was written on the edge of maps to keep people from wandering away from the control of kings.
Freedom from predetermination created by the will of a self-appointed monarchy…
That’s what America is.
Again, there have always been people who prefer to be taken care of instead of living free of fear.
That’s part of the fabric of humanity.
It has always been up to the adults in the world to help those who can only see darkness.
By holding up the truth of love.
It’s a difficult light for many of our brothers and sisters to see.
Love is not understood, or we wouldn’t have to keep fighting the good fight.
In a world of limited resources, the natural thing to do is not to share.
But it ain’t the 8th Century anymore.
We live in a land of abundance.
But we still have that monster on the back of too many telling them not to share.
Not to trust.
Keep to yourself.
Mind your business.
Love tells us our business is the welfare of our fellow man.
It’s a heavy lift.
I know this.
You know this.
But we are not afraid.
The foundation of this nation is based upon the proportion that all people are created equal.
Too many Americans have had a hard time believing in equality.
They are trapped in a vicious cycle of hate created by the bullies who have their ears and hearts.
We all just lived through a plague that took the lives of millions.
We all just lived through an economy that collapsed.
We all didn’t see that we had come through it, and the world got better.
Some see the world as half-empty.
Some see the world half full.
We who see the world full of light are now obliged to reach back and let that light shine into the dark places.
Let us reach out and touch the hearts and minds of our fellow Americans and let them see there is a better way to live than in fear.
Demonstrating we are not afraid, this light will kindle curiosity.
Curiosity has always broken the chains of fear.
What if.
What if my life could be better?
We are not afraid.
Daniel J. Frey aka Toby