Do You Hear What I Hear?
Bad side of town.
Freaks of nature.
Infecting our Democracy.
New York values.
Our country.
Our God.
Poisoning the blood of our country.
Make America great again.
Take our country back.
These and more are what is being said out loud in Conservative America.
Have you asked yourself, does it matter?
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
It means that the idea put forth by our founding fathers that America was created for white, male protestants who owned the land they took, and it was this destiny that guaranteed that from sea to shining sea, the white man would always and forever be in control and dominate was established by their white Christian God… forever…
It seems that idea still persists today.
There is a group of our fellow Americans who both believe in the sanctity of their religion, having a metaphysical control on their lives, the lives of the non-believer, and the nation as a whole, as well as the real expression that Jesus Christ established this sanctity that white males are in charge no others need apply.
Any lapse of control is a sin.
These expressions are code to the true believer who is willing to fight for their whiteness as ordained and established by their white Christian God.
It doesn’t matter if Donald Trump is scum.
He could be the worst human on the planet, but he has two things going for him you don’t see.
One, he’s a white male.
Two, he’s fighting for white America to re-establish a pre-white-male patriarchy.
He can actually do anything, and none of it matters to these supporters because he’s ordained by the White Christian God to save the White race.
Do you hear what I hear?
I am constantly reminded of South Africa.
The white peoples of Europe, specifically England, discovered South Africa and declared it white.
Declared South Africa White?
Think about how screwed up inside and out you have to be to be in such a mindset whereby you deny reality that much.
They were white and in control.
But, on the horizon, their hold on the country was going to slip out of their hands.
However, that didn’t stop them from descending into a brutal police state.
It got far worse for non-whites as the day approached as the white demographic minority grabbed and killed to keep control.
America is slipping down the same slope.
That hardcore group of conservative Americans is not fighting for a political party.
Are you kidding me?
They are fighting for what they believe is their race.
They will not go away without a fight.
Words are a gateway drug to actions.
When somebody tells you what they believe, you better damn well believe them.
So listen up!
Toby aka Daniel J. Frey