Fear of Freedom

Fear of Freedom

A great number of our decisions are not really our own but are suggested to us from the outside; we have succeeded in persuading ourselves that it is we who have made the decision, whereas we have actually conformed with expectations of others, driven by the fear of isolation and by more direct threats to our life, freedom, and comfort.”

                                             – Erich Fromm, Escape From Freedom

Freedom is a burden to some folk.

Freedom means participation.

Participation means doing the work of freedom.

Many want the reward but are too busy with themselves to cultivate freedom.

This fear of freedom goes by another name.

The Silent Majority.

Have you wondered why there have been no voices condemning the hate that is propagated by Trump and his associates?

The voices that used to tell the anarchists to stay at the back of the room and not talk.

That sound of silence is manifested by those who erected a neon god.

That neon god tells them their fear is justified.

That neon god feeds their bias, which perpetuates the hate, that grows the paranoia that others are responsible for the life they have.

That neon god wants to be the next president.

He promises a narrow definition of freedom.

Only to those that worship at his feet telling him he is a man of consequence.

There are many kinds of people of consequence.

It is an absurd ego that says there is only one path to greatness.

Freedom is a burden.

Freedom it turns out is not free.

You can’t expect strawberries if you never plant them.

You can’t expect freedom if don’t speak up.

How can I speak up?


Freedom’s ally is each of us who takes that trip to the voting booth and lets our voice be heard by making our mark next to the person we want to represent us.

Silence is not golden.

That’s a lie.

Silence is the cruel dictator who silences the voices of freedom.

Silences them one by one till there is none.

Freedom needs you.

Let freedom ring.

Toby aka Daniel J Frey