Out of Control
My writing has slowed due to drawing a graphic novel entitled Highway.
Since there is only one of me, I’ve been concentrating on that to get it done as soon as possible.
One holiday after another, a birthday party, an urgent sizzle reel, and a broken-down car all hamper the graphic novels' advancement.
Just like you, we can’t control everything in our life.
Life gets in the way of our plans.
How far does your control extend?
What are the boundaries of what you believe you are in control of?
A person should know their limits.
Although some of us appear to ignore them.
Like I can’t control my family.
My 30-something children stopped listening to me when they realized I was human like them.
My wife doesn’t listen to me.
But that’s the secret to a good marriage.
Don’t listen too closely.
My friends sort of listen to me while I’m with them, but as soon as I leave, I know they are doing what they want to do.
As for strangers…
I get asked at Disneyland a lot where the restroom is… that’s because I wear all black and a sports jacket looking like security…
I don’t even listen to myself.
I tell myself I’m going to do this or that, and I generally do, but not on the schedule I thought I would.
Some of us just don’t realize we control nothing.
We’ve built up elaborate stories telling ourselves we are in control and that everyone should think and behave just like us.
Because we’re right and they’re wrong.
Fascinating, isn’t it?
They believe they are right and you are wrong.
Yet the history of truth is on our side.
When the false fog of control is lifted and time reveals the truth.
Our beliefs are the foundation of a compassionate, loving human society.
Like when we believe that racism is wrong.
When we believe that fascism is wrong.
When we believe that power for the sake of power is wrong.
We believe in justice.
We believe in freedom.
We believe in the brotherhood of mankind.
These things, these truths, are in our control.
We can exercise these truths, take control, or we can let them go.
I hear my wife calling me…
Love and peace to you.
Toby aka Daniel J. Frey