The Rain Is Here
All around us, the rain is falling.
Since Dylan put it into lyric, by the way, that was 1964, the American public has been at odds with learning how to swim versus sinking like a stone.
What I'm talking about is leaving ignorance behind and learning we can do right.
The rain falls…
The rain falls, and what it's doing is revealing truth.
In the 20th Century, the rain fell, revealing fascism.
The rain fell, and segregation was revealed.
The rain fell, and we discovered the poor were in need.
We discovered that women had rights.
The rainwater rose, and white nationalism was thrown into the spotlight.
If, by the 1980s, you weren't swimming, you were sinking.
The rain kept falling.
The rain washed away our delusion that authority, our leaders always told the truth.
The rain fell.
The rain fell, revealing a rainbow of gentle souls wanting to live their lives without fear.
It revealed that religious leadership preyed upon its followers' hearts, minds, and bodies.
The 21st Century arrives, and the weather forecast looks cloudy.
The rain fell.
They're hiding in plain sight; our social servants charged with protecting us instead abused us.
The rain fell.
No justice, no peace.
No justice, no peace.
The rain fell, washing away the delusion that justice was applied fairly and evenly in America.
We rediscovered that some people believed themselves more equal than others.
The rain falls.
It will continue to fall.
Because love applied will never give in.
Love applied will open the eyes of the self-ignorant.
Love applied will openly ask will you change and join us in a great community?
Or will you prefer to sink like a stone?
Wish you love.
Daniel J. Frey aka Toby