Last Thing
Feeding yourself.
Buying that new pair of shoes.
Ordering online.
We’ll do that.
Flipping someone off.
Talking behind a friend's back.
Getting high.
We’ll do that.
Not stopping hate.
Not comforting the lost.
Not smiling.
We’ll do that.
We will do a lot of things, too many to count.
And we will do them gladly if not out of a sense of duty, of pride.
What is the last thing you’ll do?
The last thing too many will do is to love.
It’s too hard for too many of us.
We don’t know where to begin, so we never start.
Too many of us lack the foundations of love.
We don’t love ourselves.
If we don’t love ourselves, then loving others, the stranger, represents danger to our existence.
If we don’t love ourselves, we are handicapped unable, unwilling to reach out and restore hope.
To not be just sympathetic but to attain the highest human ability empathy.
If we don’t love ourselves, we are doomed to be turned inward, focusing on feeding our desire at the expense of all life around us.
What is the last thing you will do?
Love to be effective must be exercised.
Love is not something to keep locked away.
If love is locked away only for ourselves, then it is a wasted expression.
Love to become real, to grow, to mature must live in the light of life and grow.
What do you represent?
Selfish desire or giving love?
What is the last thing you will do?
Toby aka Daniel J. Frey