Precious Ignorance

When a person is willing to ignore the truth and accept fiction, they are afraid.

They will not respond to facts because they will have to face what keeps them trapped; they are more afraid of it than being wrong.

One of the craziest things the white race had persuaded itself to be true is that it is the majority.

At no time ever on this planet did the white race constitute the majority population.

The white race has always been a minority.

The reason behind the myth of their dominance, both mentally and in population size, is rooted in fear.

Fear of the unknown.

“There be monsters here,” at the edges of their maps.

Not rainbows and flowers or peace.


To the white European explorers, everyone they met was an animal… no soul… not human.

The people they found were good enough to take their wealth and have sex with but could not sit at the same table with for a meal.

They were to be pitied the non-white races.

That’s what purgatory was for.

All the non-white races would be told the truth of the son of God dying for them; they would be baptized, told wealth was a sin, their gold, silver, and jewels taken, and then executed, after which God would sort them out, each to their own worth.

Precious ignorance.

It’s a terrible thing, always living in fear.

It will make you paranoid.

But fear is a wall that you can hide behind.

You don’t have to participate.

Fear means you don’t have to deal with those people on the other side of your wall.

You don’t have to hear their cry.

You don’t have to see their pain.

You don’t have to feel.

Staying ignorant of what this world is all about is what humans do.

This is not a new story.

It repeats over and over.

The story is more important than the truth.

We all share the same boat in this world, but some passengers believe they have a golden ticket because of their race.

There is a lifeboat for them.

The rest of us in steerage will find it tough when the ship goes down.


Damn us, they believe for not believing God has appointed them to rule the world.

That’s what Trump represents.

The last great white hope for them.

Appointed by God… not making that up, people.

Please take a look at what his supporters are saying to each other on social media.

He’ll make America great again because he will make it “White again.”

They believe the myth he peddles.

The truth is that’s not going to happen.

When the first white European explorer left to find what lay beyond the map's borders, it was the beginning of the world's uniting.

As the centuries passed, borders merged, and languages consolidated.

In the future, humanity will be one.

The bell of Freedom rings, calling for the past to go away and heralding the future's entrance.

The only monster left on the map is ignorance.

I write this as an invitation to gather together to walk boldly into that light of truth where all are equal.

If you can walk around your wall…

Let it go and be hope.


Toby aka Daniel J Frey