Horse Sense
Common sense ain't common. – Will Rogers
Far too many of us believe that everyone around us thinks like us.
They perceive the world in the same way with the same conclusions.
Many believe they live in a community, and that community is harmonious.
However, as the day is to the night, as the left hand is to the right hand, as the rainbow of faces and ages we see everyday we are all operating at different speeds of awareness.
We are not born with common sense.
An example, common sense once told us that the world had an edge, and you would fall off of it.
Common sense told us there were no such things as germs.
Common sense told us that only the man was responsible for pregnancy, and the woman had no part except as the oven.
Common sense is must be learned from a teacher.
A big part of common sense is ethics.
Being able to discriminate between right and wrong.
Unless you are a sociopath or a politician, you realize that doing right, making the right decisions to do good is always the correct way to live your life.
Doing right is common sense.
Do no harm to yourself or others.
Common sense.
That's not to say there are not teachers of the anti-golden rule among us.
Do unto others before they do unto you.
You can do anything as long as you win.
There is definitely a kind of anti-common-good.
The argument being anything that maintains power is good.
It's called politics.
But politics is the opposite of common sense.
Common sense is about the real idea that there is a common good that can be recognized by the average person.
That the common good is just that "a good" that once deployed, will make a better life for everyone.
It's common sense not to steal.
It's common sense not to kill.
We depart from what can easily be distinguished, what is common sense when we say it's common sense that everyone should pay taxes.
It's common sense to obey the rule of law.
It's common sense that everyone is equal.
What gets in the way of the common person from understanding these visible sets of facts is a set of distortions, of lies told by the culture and the individual.
These distortions and lies corrupt the understanding of simple truths for the benefit of a few over the many.
The enemy of common sense has always been and will always be the powerful.
Those in power, those in position over people will never allow freedom willingly.
These people in power are the leaders of business.
The leaders of governments.
The leaders of religion.
The leaders in our circles of family and friends.
Tyrants come in many shapes and forms.
The last thing a tyrant wants is for the people to develop a unity of common sense.
They sew words of distrust, disharmony, they fill the media with fake news that makes only them and them only the purveyor of truth and honesty.
Tyrants are good at lying; that's common sense.
The American Revolution saw the common sense of not bowing to tyranny in 1776.
That common-sense spread to the French in 1789.
1833 saw the end of slavery in England.
April 9, 1865, saw the end of slavery in America after 100,000's died, and millions of black people were murdered, raped, and lived a life of bondage.
A kind of common sense was found afterward, but we are still fighting to understand that truth that all men are created equal.
Today we still are dealing with a senseless human society.
We still have a mixed bag of nuts myself included.
Highlights, lowlights, and every kind in-between.
Some got sense that they were born with while others had to dig for it.
Common sense is a muscle.
It has to be exercised regularly if we are to maintain a healthy society.
A hurdle that common sense has to jump over is called harm.
If what I believe harms someone in any way, does it truly stand for the common good?
Doing right, doing good never harms anything or anyone.
Separating families at the border causes harm.
Taking food stamps out of children's mouths causes harm.
Not allowing people to vote causes harm.
Holding back military aid for a political favor causes harm.
Common sense says to do no evil. What does your common sense tell you?