What Country
A majority of the citizens of this country were born here.
We have grown up in a culture of freedom.
A freedom that allows us to pursue our own happiness.
But that freedom does not come without a responsibility.
That responsibility comes asking us what country do you want to live in?
To be able to keep and enjoy this Republic, it requires a majority of us to agree on a set of ideas.
Of principals.
Of morals.
From our current state of affairs, it would seem that we do not agree on the same ideas, principals, and morality.
The Republican Party now supports the idea of power by any means.
The Republican Party now believes no one can be held responsible for a crime, they are above justice if the individuals accused believes they are not guilty.
The Republican Party stands behind the leader of its party who has been demonstrated to be a liar, a cheat, and a sexual predator.
The Republican Party freely admits that the President has no ideas, has no principals, has no morality, and they are fine with that because he believes in cutting taxes for the wealthy.
What has happened?
What has happened to our country?
What country is this?
John Adams said, " The preservation of liberty depends upon the intellectual and moral character of the people. As long as knowledge and virtue are diffused generally among the body of a nation, it is impossible they should be enslaved."
Without their tacit agreement, a body of the American people has become enslaved to the idea of social and economic nihilism.
Nothing can be done, everyone, everything is corrupt, so what does it matter as long as I'm left alone.
As Adams warned, there is a large population in this country without civic-social-economic virtue.
They are the lost souls washed up upon the beach of economic vulture capitalism, which has been picking at the bones of the American psyche since 1776.
The industrial, political, social, wealthy tax dodgers of this country are consistent.
They consistently feed off their prey, the American people, to the point of killing off the host.
They have sucked the civic morality of this nation almost dry once again.
We a free people cannot survive and prosper where a whole class of people and special interests are separate and unequal to us.
The wealthy, the wealth producers, the corporations cannot be allowed the status of untouchable.
That we the people are unworthy of asking them to do their fair share and be a hope for the people, not their bloodletting surgeon.
These economic parasites have created this social-political-nihilism and use their victims to maintain power.
They have infected this country and have brought our Republic to a breaking point.
This President is not the symptom; he's the tip of the iceberg that poked his head out of the green greed swamp.
This President is supported by social economic and political powers that have been caught with their hand up the skirt of Liberty.
What country do you want to live in?
That's what's at stake with this impeachment of this President and the upcoming election.
Enemies of freedom come mostly from within the borders of any country.
They know the weakness of its citizens.
The enemy from within knows who to twist the truth to get what it wants.
It's why all civil servants in this country swear an oath not to an individual but to an idea.
That idea that if a majority of us hold it to be true, we the people will not be enslaved by tyranny.
A tyranny both foreign and domestic.
What country do you want to live in?
The time is now to do right.
Reach out across the space that separates us and be the hope.
Don't tell your neighbor to hope by themselves.
That's how we got in this mess in the first place when politicians promised prosperity and had no intention in delivering it.
Be the hope.
Cancel out the evil of nihilism.
Be the hope.
Make a difference simply by being kind, allowing compassion to be the guide to a shared purpose of knowledge and virtue.