Am I talking to a rock?
It used to be said that an individual had rocks for brains.
I propose a whole society can have rocks for brains.
Rocks are immutable.
Immutable means they don't change.
The only thing that can change a rock is time.
The rock is still a rock till the very end.
You can only wear it away, grain by grain, till you can't call it a rock anymore.
Humanity, since the beginning, has built entire societies upon a belief.
The Egyptians believed that if they hid an image of the Pharaoh buried out in the desert and it was not destroyed, they would live forever in paradise with the Gods.
The Romans believed that a wife of a citizen of Rome, a man, was his property. Upon the man's death, his wife was to be put to death if she were still alive.
The Renaissance of enlighten people still believed in witches and didn't know that a woman contributed to the formation of a child.
They believed, as so many still do today some 600 years later, that a woman is an Easy-Bake-Oven.
The man places his dough inside the woman, forming into a being that is the man's property.
It wasn't until the American Civil War that we started to wash our hands before we conducted surgery.
It was legal to kill native people of California well into the 1980s if you wanted their land.
This is all just the tip of the bullshit pile that people have invested their entire lives into.
Am I talking to a rock?
Rocks don't examine if they are wrong.
Rocks don't ask if what they are doing is right.
Rocks don't change because you ask them.
Rocks don't care about your suffering.
Rocks don't vote.
Rocks don't care.
Rocks don't listen.
Rocks aren't alive.
They are solid as a stone.
Once you understand the fundamentals of rocks, you must tell yourself to stop trying.
Stop trying to make rocks something they aren't.
You'll only crash and roar like waves upon the rocks, but the rocks will still be there.
I'm talking to my liberal brothers and sisters.
There's been only one way in this world that has been found to change a rock.
You have to live a good life.
By you living a good, happy, joyful life, you'll demonstrate to the rocks of this world that there is happiness.
There is life.
There is caring.
There is love.
One of those rocks will see and just maybe ask itself, "How come they are happy, and I'm not?"
Let the rocks be and move on.
It's time we get on getting on and move forward to that better tomorrow we who aren't rocks have been waiting for.
Toby aka Daniel J Frey