Light In The Darkness
The universe is dark.
So is the human consciousness.
We all are born into darkness.
No guidebook is handed out for free to guide us on our stumbling journey.
In the dark, we reach out and touch people with good and not-so-good intentions.
They, too, are on their journey, believing in their guides.
But what is the end?
What is at the end of those maps?
Is it the light of truth or an abyss where there be monsters?
Light in the darkness.
All life springs from the dark.
Without the darkness, we would not be able to recognize the light.
Life in all its form is a resistance to the darkness.
To never have lived means to never have grown.
To never have lived means never leaving the darkness.
To live means leaving the darkness behind where myth, legend, and lies whisper to our ego, telling us there is nothing outside.
Our ignorance of life is a virtue.
Nothing exists outside of what we believe to be true.
However, if you live only in darkness, in your own truth, you are only living a half-life.
A half-life means you are crippled and ignorant of truth.
You are not living a whole life.
A life where light and darkness reveal the truth of the true meaning of life.
Light in the darkness.
There are so few lamp posts of truth in the dark.
So many of the lights put up in the dark are there to trap and hold people like moths to a flame.
People put up these lights because of their need for power, for people to praise them.
They are not true lights.
To judge for yourself what is a true light, always remember this.
Truth doesn’t need you to believe because it is the truth.
Truth doesn’t need your money.
Truth doesn’t need your permission.
Truth stands like a light in the darkness piercing through the fog, sweeping back the ignorance, shining as a beacon of freedom.
The voice of love speaks with the light of truth.
Light in the darkness.