The GOP Today
What controls the modern Republican Party today is hate born of fear.
The hate is directed at anything, anyone who represents change.
This child called hate is not responsible for its own birth.
This hate is not an immaculate conception.
This hate was born of parents called fear and ignorance.
Fear is the name of the mother of the child of hate.
Fear of the other.
Fear of the stranger.
Fear of sharing.
Fear of truth.
Ignorance is the name of the father of the child of hate.
Ignorance of empathy.
Ignorance of justice.
Ignorance of freedom.
Ignorance of truth
Together fear and ignorance met long ago in the human story.
Fear, ignorance, and their child hate have been why we don't have nice things in society.
Fear, ignorance, and their child hate have been the roadblock, the hurdle, the moat, the barbed wire, the wall that has kept society from reaching the promised land.
They have been the crab in the barrel of life that keeps pulling those back who want to escape the cycle of violence from escaping.
Fear and ignorance didn't produce just one child.
Every generation, another abandoned sibling is added to the orphanage.
This generation's child of hate finds its refuge in social media.
There it feeds upon the prejudice with relish and abandon.
Before today the children of hate had to gather in secret, in the woods, with hoods.
Now they take pictures of themselves as they desecrate the house of the people.
Fear finds refuge in the pulpit.
Every Sunday in America, it is taught that God ordained an order to the universe.
In that order, the white man is on top of the pyramid.
Fear is given shelter when it's declared that the mixing of the races is an abomination in God's eyes.
The white race must stay pure and faithful to God's word.
Fear sees the browning of America and the world as the end times.
The time when their savior will return and kill all the enemies of the white man and make him ruler of the earth forever.
They are the chosen people.
Fear finds a play companion with those who hate other religions.
The babysitters of fear like Putin, Trump use the fear of the Islamic religion to incite violence.
To get what they believe is theirs politically, financially.
It's what unites the Republican Party this fear both politically and financially.
The fear that white people and their God will be replaced by brown people and their God.
This child of fear knows it's right when it sees Black Lives Matter marches.
This child of fear knows it's right when it can't make jokes about a person's race anymore.
This child of fear knows it's right when they can't get a job at a living wage.
This fear knows it's doomed when their white savior is not re-elected, President.
Is there a way to stop the hate?
No, there isn't.
The child of hate is not the source of the problem.
The source of the problem that threatens to destroy the American democracy is fear and ignorance.
The parents of the children of hate need to attend a family planning session.
Their fear needs to be listened to.
Fear needs compassion.
Fear needs to feel safe.
Ignorance is the harder of the two parents of fear to help.
Ignorance cannot be told what to do or that it's wrong.
If you do, it will only lash out and destroy anyone, anything that comes to tell it the truth.
Ignorance can only learn through example and consequence.
Love, compassion, and sharing have to be lived and demonstrated as a path to happiness.
Through living a life of love, ignorance will eventually catch on; there is a better way than nihilism and destruction.
It is up to every generation to pick up the torch of freedom and carry on the fight.
Drop hate be love.