Labor Costs
American businesses have been indulged in living in a fantasy dream world where labor and material cost nothing…
The root of the belief comes from the story of slavery.
The belief in the relative value of one person.
Business has always fought for a discount.
Slavery eliminated the cost of labor in so much as it did away with paying for a service.
Slavery maximized profit.
Profit is the god of business.
What does it profit a man to own the whole world and lose their soul?
It’s all easy money when you don’t believe souls exist.
The world over has been manipulated, coerced, beaten, killed, cajoled, bribed, marketed to believe what’s right for business is good for the people.
Unfortunately for the sake of the welfare of the people, they have bought what business has sold.
Slavery teaches that some people have more value than others.
Those at the top of the pyramid, the leaders, have more value than those that support them in their position.
The needs of the few, the one, outweigh the needs of the many.
Without me, you wouldn’t survive echo’s down the hallways of the tyranny of man over mankind.
This slavery that has dominated mankind has been at war with the people economically, socially, and morally.
What has every war been about?
The Crusades, The French and American Revolutionary wars, the American Civil war, the First, the Second World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, the Drug War, the Immigration Crisis, civil rights, women’s rights all are about who pays the cost of production.
Or better…
Who profits.
In America today, the Republican Party has purposefully transformed itself from a conservative business party to a white nationalists party.
They’ve seen the future, and they don’t like the idea of sharing the profits.
They believe in the advertising that their white, blonde, blue eyed god, who sanctioned the creation of a white America to dominate the world.
They tell each other this online on social media, at work, at play, and from their pulpits.
They were comfortable in their dream world where all things came to them at no cost.
Yet while their brain, their consciousness was asleep, the body of America took a pill called freedom.
In their sleep, the body of America swallowed a draft of water called justice.
Now some 240 years later, white business Americas have woken up with a belly ache.
They are angry they have been awoken from their slumber.
They are fighting and willing to burn the American ideal of freedom to the ground.
Who dares disturb the rulers of the earth?
All so they can go back to sleep.
All the violence they foment so they can be indulged in not having to pay the price of freedom.
Freedom for all means freedom for all.
If we are to turn the corner on this fight for freedom in this nation, it’s up to all of us to make Americans deal with reality.
The fantasy has to stop.
We no longer can indulge the morally bankrupt children that there are no costs to justice.
Put the coffee on, walk around the room, stretch, rub the sleep of indifference out of your eyes.
A new day is upon us all right quick.