We, the people.
What did you hear?
These truths are self-evident.
What did you hear?
Created equal.
What did you hear?
Perfect Union.
What did you hear?
Establish justice.
What did you hear?
Promote the general welfare.
What did you hear?
Secure the Blessings of Liberty.
What did you hear?
I'll lay down even money you didn't hear what I heard.
Like the husband who only hears what he wants to hear.
Like the child who doesn't hear the word no.
Like the establishment employee who doesn't hear your problem.
Like the wait staff who doesn't hear your order.
Humans hear what they want to hear when they want to hear it.
Our beliefs color our communications.
If we believe in fairness, our ears are open to new directions.
If we believe in nothing, our ears are unfamiliar to the suffering of others.
If we believe in hate, we are deaf.
A recurring theme I would like to elucidate is perspective.
The Constitution of the United States of America was not written for all of us.
It left out women.
It left out people of color.
It was a document about securing the rights and freedoms of white landowners who were standing against a generational white aristocracy.
We, the people, took a while to be noticed.
We, the people, were the squeaky wheel on the shopping cart of democracy.
We kept on keeping on being in the ear of those who had already secured their freedom from oppression.
Funny how the oppressed once granted freedom will always find something they believe they are superior to.
Freedom is not willingly granted.
And to keep our freedom, we have to make a good noise.
We have to form a choir to keep the music of freedom in our elected leaders' ears.
That's why we organize.
That's why we vote.
This is our duty no only to our past, but to ourselves alive here and now and to those that will come after us.
Freedom is just a word if it's not followed by hard work.
If you can hear my voice and are comforted, then you are part of the choir.
If you hear a noise, it's a good thing.
It means you're not deaf yet.