True Believers
Racism is a religious movement.
Racism has no room for compromise.
This is why we stand and fight this enemy of humanity.
I was raised by racists.
My extended family growing up, were racists.
Family friends were all racists.
They ranged from the card-carrying openly hostile bigot to the meek and mild, “Go along to get along” varieties.
I am well versed in the lore, the belief, the practice of racists.
What they say openly to each other and what they say in private at the birthday party.
At the picnic.
At the seasonal Christmas gathering.
Racism is a religion.
It is born of religion.
Inherent in religion is the foundation of the believer versus those who do not believe.
It is there in black and white transcribed for all to see.
It’s challenging to introduce facts to those who only need to believe.
The fact that Jesus was a Jew.
His parents were Jews.
His followers were Jews.
The initial religious group was two Jewish cults that fought each other in a "true believer's" Thunder Dome.
Two cults enter only one cult emerged.
It can be reasoned that of all the world's beliefs, the Jewish faith and the Christian cult that was born out of it inherited an absolutist view of the world.
One God, one faith in opposition to a pantheon of deities and cultural traditions.
There can only be one God.
There can only be one people.
In a twist of irony, White Europeans believed they were the chosen people of the Christian God.
Somehow they didn’t comprehend that the Jewish book of faith they retconned was about the journey of the Jewish people’s faith.
The early Christians and to this day Christians maintain that the chosen people of God are people of the White race.
God has to be white because that’s how he's painted on the ceiling of the Vatican, right?
To tamper with the ordained order of the universe is to put yourself ahead of God almighty.
You have to be a Communist to believe that all people are equal.
There is no room for compromise.
So it is written, so it is so.
These believers in white supremacy cannot in good faith with their God allow for any deviation allowing Whites to be second class.
Again in a crazy piece of human irony, the white racist has pitted their minority world against the demographic of the whole world.
I still can’t understand how a minority population convinced themselves that they are superior to the rest of the world?
They still tell themselves this every day.
This is why we, the majority who stand for justice, who stand for freedom, who stand for what is right, are in a battle with this enemy of humanity.
Racists are like rocks in the stream of life.
They will not move.
They will not change.
Only the flow of life will eventually wear them away to sand.
We cannot and should not allow a group of people who do not want to join life to dictate how life should be.
Birds don’t wait for someone to allow them to fly.
We can’t wait for racists to allow us to be free.
There can be no negotiation with evil.