A New Hope
Talking about Star Wars and politics may appear to be alien.
The failure of Star Wars episodes 7,8, and 9, diminishing box office, and fan hatred have a similar underpinning with half of the American voters voting for Trump.
How’s that?
In a time far, far away, the business of show business was about being a factory of hope.
Movies are our modern-day way of telling collective tales.
And the biggest seller of all time are stories that deliver hope.
No one is getting out of this life alive, and we all know it.
Stories of hope ease the pain of life.
They bring a smile.
A tear.
A beat in the chest that says you did good.
They put asses in seats that sell tickets over and over again.
The original Star Wars trilogy started off with a subtitle, A New Hope.
Before episodes 7, 8, and 9 lit up the silver screen, there was hope for a new start.
After episodes 7, 8, and 9, hope didn’t show up.
Just like our politics for the past 40 years and growing promises were made but were never fulfilled.
The American society has been made a lot of promises.
But like so much of our society today, it’s based on hype and not substance.
Special effects, but no story.
Grandiose plot twists without ever having earned it.
People are not that dumb.
They expect and deserve the respect that the time they devote will see a return on their investment.
Episodes 7, 8, and 9 and our government made promises that they had no intention of fulfilling.
They had another agenda.
Their agenda was not giving hope but personal enrichment, personal enshrinement of power.
The suits had forgotten what put butter on their bread.
Making their fans happy.
Giving hope.
Yet hope arrives unexpectedly from places and sources not looked for.
Hope came in the face of a puppet.
A child.
The child restored lost faith.
It knew it’s limits.
It knew what the starving needed.
Not promises.
We needed hope.
We need to see the bad guy get their due.
We need to see the good guy win.
We need substance that will make manifest our dreams and desires.
Hollywood is a dream factory for the heart.
Washington is a dream factory of the people.
You can’t separate the people from their heart; they’re one and the same.
Stories have a beginning, middle, and end.
We are all raised as children to know this.
We want to see the good triumph, and the evil defeated.
It doesn’t happen as often as it should in real life.
This is why we turn to our entertainment to express the ideals of which we hold dear.
Hope is best if you want a return on your investment in film.
Hope is the best bet for anyone who wants to lead a people.