Daniel J. Frey

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How to help the blind see?

How to help the deaf hear?

How to help the numb feel?


How can I help?

How can I matter?

How can I walk the walk?


How to run?

How to reach?

How to be hope?


The acid that will dissolve any democracy is willful ignorance combined with intolerance.

Willful ignorance is defined as individuals who choose to ignore reality.

A preference, a choice, not a mistake.

Willful ignorance is tied to spiritually to entitlement.

I am owed, I deserve, I’m next in line, I will take at the expense of others.

Consequences are not for me.

Consequences are only for those that are unfit, unworthy, on the other side…

Willful ignorance, intolerance, entitlement, these are walls of fear built by humans.

They are high, they are thick, they are not fragile.

Many have tried to attack these walls directly and always with no effect.

You may win a battle but not the war.

Not only will the individual rebuild these walls, but the community that they protect will assist.

People who live protected behind the walls of willful ignorance, intolerance, entitlement are numb to voices in the streets.

They are numb to the images of despair.

They are numb to the feelings of loss.

How do you reach them?

Why would you want to reach them?

Haven’t they placed themselves above humanity?

Haven’t they walled themselves off from human kindness?

Haven’t they buried themselves in the dirt like the living dead?

Yes, they have.

Fear will always have the potentiality to make all of us do bad things.

For those that have been given much, much is expected.

If you know how to swim and someone is drowning, love says save that person.

If you know how to stand and someone has fallen, love says help them up.

If you know the truth and someone has lied, love says speak up.

Someone has to be the adult in the room.

We are not here to save those that are already safe.

If you are reading my words more than likely, you are in the choir of hope.

To round out our choir, we need all the voices of the earth.

That’s why we care.

That’s why we fight.

That’s why we sing.

We are not afraid of the fight for justice.

We will stand outside the walls of willful ignorance, intolerance, entitlement, and call to our brothers and sisters to come join us in a beautiful land.

A land where fear has its place.

A land where the walls of fear can be stepped over.

A land where love leads the way.

