Brotherhood of Man
Love will never ask you to subtract.
Love asks all of us to add.
To multiply.
To include.
What side of the equation are you on?
Humans are peculiar.
They can hold two contradictory thoughts in their minds at the same time.
Love you, neighbor.
But not those people.
Feed the hungry.
Not them.
Care for the sick.
They deserve what they got.
Our lives matter.
Their lives don’t.
COVID came along, and at first, there was a unity of mind.
Beat back the grim reaper.
But on the day when the media pointed out that black and brown communities got sick at a rate 2 to 4 times that of white communities…
The fight became their problem, not ours in racist white America.
I was raised in white racist America.
I know what they say behind closed doors.
I know what they say at the dinner table.
The church.
At work.
They cannot imagine themselves as equal to a black and brown person.
They cannot imagine sharing their good fortune with a black and brown person.
They cannot imagine a community where all work towards a common good.
They have cut themselves off from humanity.
Believing in a certainty passed down through the generations that white makes right.
How can we appeal to those that have locked their minds with the shackles of hate?
How do we get hearts to open to feel once again what it means to be human?
Have you ever tried to move a blob of jello with a needle?
You can’t do it.
The individual can make a lot of noise, but the jello won’t budge.
What is needed is hands, many hands, a community, a society, a nation coming together with a purpose.
The purpose is to drop hate and lift hope.
The outcome is through all our effort together; the mountain of racism has no chance.
We can lift that mountain out of its self inflicted darkness.
A better world is our goal.
The journey requires all our effort today and tomorrow and every generation to come.
Won’t you join me?
Love asks more of us every day of our lives till we lay ourselves down.