The Takers
You and I are considered the takers by conservative America.
If you are on welfare.
If you are on food stamps.
If you get a social security check.
If you are on Medicare.
If you are on Medicaid.
If you are on Obama Care.
If you are a working woman who took a job from a white man.
If you are a minority, who took a job from a white man.
If your housing is subsidized by the state or feds.
If you are a minority and got a loan to start a business.
If you are a racial minority, or a woman, or gay and ask for justice.
If you complain.
If you’re not satisfied and want a better life.
If you believe everyone should pay their fair share of taxes.
If you vote for a democrat.
If you believe in equal rights.
If you get a pension.
If you are living in an extended care facility.
If you are a migrant.
If you are black.
If you are brown.
If you are an Asian.
If you need childcare.
If you need an abortion.
If you want equal pay for equal work.
If you believe there is a need for a federal government.
If you believe in freedom of speech.
If you believe in a free press.
If you want the freedom to be safe.
If you demand police accountability.
If you believe in sharing.
You are a taker.
Isn’t that strange?
Humans come in two varieties.
Those that share and those who can’t.
Conservatives conserve, they don’t believe in sharing.
Those that do believe in sharing are painted with the derogatory slang as takers.
Consider a lesson taught by all good teachers both in society and in the home for generation after generation.
Share and share-alike.
We share to lessen the burden of the heart, mind, and spirit.
Those that don’t want to share have isolated themselves from the world as well as their own existence.
It is fear that keeps too many of us from reaching out and saying I’m in trouble.
I need help.
If we want that better world, we need to reach out and lift up our conservative brothers and sisters.
Let them see a beautiful community come together.
A place where we practice the common good.
A place where we practice freedom from fear.
A place where we practice giving.
Give so that those that live under the burden of fear may take of happiness.