We stand for the value of one human life.
The movie is Judgement at Nuremberg.
Told is the true story of how German people led by their government committed selfish murder against the whole world.
Specifically, the Holocaust.
The purposeful elimination of a people, a culture for the purpose of the economic blame game.
For the purpose of the idea of racial purity.
For the purpose of hate.
Racism = Genocide.
Those voices of the Nazis, fascism, ethnic nationalism has not disappeared from the earth.
During this pandemic sweeping the world, those voices can be heard in the cheering section.
Let them die; they are on their last legs.
2 to 3% is an acceptable loss.
The cure can’t be worse than the disease.
We got to save the economy, so grandpa and grandma should be happy to give up their lives.
We stand for the value of one human life.
There continues to be a blind malignancy in the human soul.
A cancer we do not want to address.
Hate is the virus that eats out the heart from within.
Hate drives the individual, even the nation, over the cliff of reason.
Hate leaves behind the shores of compassion in favor of the chaos of anger, of discrimination.
Yet hate is part of the human soul.
Hate and love are two sides of our existence.
Hate is not foreign, it is not grown by aliens from distant planets in our minds.
We conjure the monster ourselves.
We are responsible for hate.
Hate is our child just as much as love is.
With the realization that we grow the weeds of hate, don’t you think we can do something about that?
This virus has shown a bright light into the cracks of our society.
What some may have believed was whole and good in the light of this crisis has been shown to have great riffs in it.
The poor are dying in higher numbers.
The old are dying in higher numbers.
Black and brown people are dying higher numbers.
We pretend that there was a safety net, but when that net was called upon, it wasn’t there.
Who is to blame?
What can we do about it?
Everyone, every day, even right now, can decide to do the right thing.
The funny thing about the light, it can show you where you want to go.
We will want universal health care no matter if you are employed or not.
We will want a universal, guaranteed income.
We will want universal paid sick leave.
Simply put, we will want our government of and by the people to universally want to care and protect us.
Who is my brother, who is my sister?
We stand for the value of one human life.