Where Are We?
At this moment in time, are we witness to a fundamental change in the American electorate?
In the past, presidential candidates did not strut themselves for two years before the election.
Traditionally there would be at most three candidates who would necessarily announce their candidacy just before the beginning of the election year.
Then Iowa would have their caucus sort of a coming-out-party get to know you introduction to the nation.
Then New Hampshire would be an afternoon tea for the potential voters.
Then South Carolina would be a backyard barbecue where hotter voices would emerge.
Then Super Tuesday would and still determines who the candidate will be.
Here we are in 2020 with a whole different paradigm confronting us.
All the traditional models are out the window.
The current president got elected by throwing out the norms and attacking the weaknesses in our American election process.
Presidential elections are now two year plus election marathons.
Death marches to self-imposed irrelevance.
What isn’t or hasn’t become irrelevant is the physics behind the elections.
For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.
Everyone thought Obama would make the middle and working-class lives better.
Due to racial circumstances beyond his control, the House and Senate blocked every effort to improve the economic stagnation that the middle and working class have been living through these past 35 years.
Well, if the intellectual couldn’t get this nation out of the mud, maybe the horse's ass could?
I’m very familiar with the far right, a simple majority of my family and friends are.
They all know the current occupant is not the roundest marble in the pouch.
He’s crooked as the day is long.
But they wanted someone, anyone, even a racist, sexual predator, low-level New York City real estate con-man who they believed could change the system.
The paradigm of American stagnation.
But the current occupant couldn’t deliver either.
He’s been too interested in undoing his predecessor's achievements and enriching himself to actual shepherd the House or Senate with any legislative proposals that would benefit us.
So here we are this election cycle, and what are we learning?
So far, the Democrats in the nation are teaching us that they are hungry to go even farther to the left.
Remember, Trump and his locking up kids, daily lying about everything, impeachment, daily lying about everything, is creating an opposite and equal reaction
The Democrats are desperate for ideological political purity.
Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada have demonstrated that.
What it also demonstrated in Nevada is that young people are voting in larger numbers and that the Latino vote is also looking farther to the left, looking for purity too.
What will South Carolina say about what the Black vote is looking for among the Democrats?
The question is, is this the moment in time that the electorate shifts to European style socialism?
What was thought before as a third rail is now not only demanded but supported by a majority?
The impossible socially and economically is now possible?
Has desperate economic stagnation, unregulated capitalism, corporate welfare, and tax evasion finally filled the American belly with enough resolve to overturn the American ideal of capitalism as our Lord and King?
It is evident all of the models used to predict past elections are useless.
Polls are for suckers.
Polls can be manipulated, paid off by the highest dark money spender.
What won’t lie to us is numbers.
Numbers who vote.
Numbers who march.
Numbers who speak up.
Numbers who believe that now is the time that change will finally come.
It is the old that believe that change will not happen.
Change always and will always arrive in precisely the way we didn’t believe it could.