What The Righteous Hear
There is a portion of American society that likes to tell everyone how terrible they are.
Yes, I mean those particular followers of Jesus, who at every opportunity like to hammer into our heads the story of their Lord and Savior as if we haven't heard it before.
Our brains are so addled by our sins we can't remember anything we are told.
However, I have found through my lifetime of experience in the far-right community that these followers hear a different set of words than what is written.
They read the same text as you or I and hear something completely different as it applies to them.
The following quotes are what good people believe they understand as they read the red letter portion of their religious text.
– You shall love your neighbor if they are white, and if they are not white, you can ignore them, for they are cursed by your God.
– No one can serve two masters. Serve profit first, and your fellow man can take care of himself. Tell the unwashed to get a job you lazy welfare cheat. Stop stealing good people's hard-earned money.
– Judge not people who are white like you. Condemn those that do not look like you.
– You shall love your God with your whole heart. This doesn't leave room for anyone else, and they are going to hell anyway.
– For what shall it profit a man, if he works hard all his life and in the end has to share it with the monkey races.
– A new command I give you, love one another. But you faggots who love the same sex need to die so I can sleep at night, not thinking about what you're doing.
– Blessed are the merciful. Yet all of you who have used drugs a special place in hell is reserved for that scum.
– Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. Oh! He's talking to me. I'll throw a boulder at those asshole, non-christian, anti-Christmas, mongrel races. Especially at those godless Muslims trying to take over my government and my community.
– Suffer the little children, and forbid them not. Abortion, contraception, prenatal care are all the diabolical plans of Satan. All those abortion-loving baby murderers need to dive headfirst into a wood chipper. Jesus would love that.
– If you want to be perfect, go, and help the rich get richer because one day, they'll let you into their golden mansions and make you a billionaire too, no joke.
– For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, to save the White man from the other dirty races of the world, to live an everlasting life in heaven, separate and not equal, because our God plays favorites.
What do you understand?
It's a hard reality that the loudest voices of condemnation out of the religious right, as well as that silent moderate majority, are so afraid of the world we all live in.
Anger that the world isn't fair needs a scapegoat for far too many people.
It is far easier for angry people to blame others than taking on the personal responsibility that comes with living.
Making the world better begins with you.
The world is what you actually make of it.
If you see the enemy at every turn, every corner, behind everything you don't want to understand, you will find what you are looking for.
Let us help melt the hardened wax in the ears and warm the hearts of those who live in the cold fear of the stranger.
Be the hope that the world needs.
As a failed carpenter once said…
Be opened.