Keeping It Real
Keeping it real is a turn of phrase that means you stay true to yourself.
For the past month, we have seen leaders in our government display their true selves.
We saw a Speaker of the House stand for the people of this nation who are not afraid of the future.
We saw a leader of the majority in the Senate hide behind his office and not until the President laid his own head on the chopping block did he meekly say I think you're wrong Mr. President.
We saw a president who has an apparent personality disorder that doesn't allow him to tell objective truth.
Our President can only say what he thinks we want to hear.
Our President sees no difference between doing what is right or what is wrong as long as he gets his way.
This week we also observed the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, who kept it real.
Keeping it real.
What does that mean to you?
As you go through life and get older, you may be able to attain wisdom.
Where wisdom comes from is learning from your mistakes.
If you don't learn from your mistakes, that's a sign too.
Time and time again, the President makes the same mistake.
The mistake that the President makes is that he believes we don't care.
We don't care about refugees.
We don't care about those who don't have health care.
We don't care about government workers.
We don't care about non-white people.
We don't care about what this nation has stood for these past 200 plus years.
This nation has stood for freedom, liberty, and justice for all.
He believes we will all be satisfied with the status quo with White men making all the decisions and everyone else waiting around to serve them.
That's the world from which he came.
From his perspective he's…
Keeping it real.
Physicians take an oath.
That oath they swear to says they are to do no harm.
They are to do no harm.
I think our elected officials from dog catcher to President should take that same oath.
To do no harm.
Hurting people for political power for political gain is evil.
Sociopaths the world over practice that ideal as a large part of their personal philosophy.
In the book, The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, Ph.D. tells us that 1 in 25 people are sociopaths.
That means if you know, 100 people 4 of them are sociopaths.
The sociopath is the one that's making trouble and never taking responsibility for the disaster they created.
Doesn't that sound like the President?
Should the President be pitied?
He knows the difference between good and evil but doesn't care which device he employs as long as he gets his orgasm no matter what that may entail.
We, as a nation, are learning what it means to have a president with this kind of personality disorder.
I've said before that I have had personal experience with a sociopath who almost destroyed my life.
It is illuminating as well as tragic to see our nation go through the same experience I had as we as a nation suffer at the hands of this man our President.
Keeping it real.
This too, shall pass.
We will all learn from our mistakes.
We will protect ourselves in the future from repeating this tragedy.
On the other side, we as a nation will learn to take better care of ourselves, and we will be better people.
Keeping it real.