Daniel J. Frey

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Feed The Spirit

Did you feed the cat today?

Did you watch your program?

Did you catch the news?

Did you find that last collectible?

Did you read your book?

Did you water your plants?

Did you meet your friends?

Did you do nothing?

What you feed grows.

Did you run in the park?

Did you walk to the corner?

Did you yell at the people you love?

You hate?

Did you give?

Did you take?

What you feed grows.

What didn’t you do today?

You didn’t listen to your neighbor.

You didn’t talk to the lonely old person.

You didn’t give.

You took.

What you feed grows.

Our lives all run in cycles.

There is a time to learn, to fail, to gain.

A time to be born, a time to die.

And yet, in-between it all, there is a time to live.

And living means growing.

Rocks don’t grow.

Rocks lie there and let the workings of time wear them away until they are no more.

Our spirits are a living thing in each and every one of us.

Each of us is born with a seed of life buried deep in our consciousness.

Through our actions and our actions alone, we are responsible for caring for this precious gift.

We are ultimately responsible for how we respond internally to the world and its inflictions.

It’s up to each of us to care for our spirit.

Do you have a green thumb, or are you dead beat parent to your spirit?

What you feed grows.

The human spirit is unconquerable in the sense that its shell of resolution can not be cracked from outside of it.

The human spirit only can wither from within.

If we lower our expectations.

If we stop caring.

If we stop learning.

If we turn from hope.

If we stop listening to truth.

If we only see ourselves in the world.

Consider this…

If you believe you can’t see the light, you’re just turned in the wrong direction.

What you feed grows.

Turn your eyes upwards, and your spirit will follow.

