Fear creates false stories.
If you are afraid, you are willing to believe the worse of the thing you are scared of.
It has been going on in the minds of humanity for a very long time.
Entire faiths, entire societies are based upon fear.
Fear of death.
Fear of the stranger.
Fear of new ideas.
Fear of change.
Fear of you.
That's right.
Somebody, somewhere right this very minute is afraid of you.
Of what you represent.
What do you represent?
Are you working for peace between your brother and your sister?
Or do you work against them because you don't trust them?
Or do you fall into the third thing which captures the majority of us which is you do nothing?
Fear will render the most logical person to accept the illogical.
For all of Time, there has arisen out of the emotion of fear a false narrative.
A false story.
A false idea that there is a choice to be made.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
Upon the question of immigration, we are told you must have security first then possibly consideration will be given to why undocumented immigration happens in the first place.
Why can't we do both?
We have adopted an ugly discourse of narrowly believing there is only one way to solve a problem.
We search for a magic silver bullet that we can fire off and finish off the beast.
We want to kill off the thing that makes us worry and work as quickly as possible.
We want a better world without doing any work.
I'll declare that to be a lazy, sluggish way of thinking.
It ignores our reality of life.
Let me put it this way…
When your parent cleaned your bottom, did they do it only once?
Did they say I'll find the best method of cleaning my child's bottom and I'll be done with that!
They cleaned your bottom once and walked away.
They were self-satisfied that they did the job in the best, the most efficient way they knew how and never came back?
Life is about messes and how we do our duty to attend to them.
Messes are renewed on a daily basis.
Your parent didn't have a fear of their duty to love their child.
Your parent saw it as a privilege to care for you.
As it is our privilege to care for each other.
Each of us has an ability no matter how large no matter how small and humble to reach out and care for each other.
We can both walk and talk.
We can both care and have standards.
We can praise and critique.
Fear wants us to believe there is a binary choice between yes and no when, in reality, we all know that the world is gray.
Evil never wants a compromise.
A compromise would mean giving and giving is not what evil is about.
Our duty to each other is never-ending.
Love doesn't stop at the border.
Love doesn't stop at the patient's bedside.
Love doesn't stop at the arrest of a suspect.
Love doesn't stop at the bench before the judge.
Love doesn't stop with the words in our Constitution.
Love asks more.
Love asks you to do all things with a glad heart.
You don't get to choose on the path of love how you can segregate your heart.
The realm of good ideas all has a seat at the table of humanity.
Love demands that we do all of them together.
We do not get to choose.
Love knows we can handle it.
Only fear tells us to choose one.
Life is not like Sophie's Choice.
We are not at the point of a gun to choose the life of one of our children over another.
We do not live in a world of a Paleolithic culture having to decide which child we must sacrifice to the "God's" so that we can have a good crop next year.
The world has moved beyond that cultural, mental restriction of child sacrifice.
Human sacrifice for a hollow safety.
Although some who feed fear want to feed that monster continually.
Blood doesn't have to be spilled for us to realize what is the right thing to do.
We can keep both children.
We can keep all the children.
We can keep your children and mine.
Hasn't the world gone through enough to realize that compassion has a huge hug?
We can do both…
It's not difficult.
It's called love.