Daniel J. Frey

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Found and Lost

Found in history…

The communist GDR, German Democratic Republic was fearful that it's citizens were tempted by the sins of the West and erected a wall to keep them safe from temptation around them.

In reality, it was a wall of tyranny to keep a people subjugated to the will of the Soviet Union, formerly Russia, ruled by non-religious oligarchs of a type of communist state.

The GDR soon realized that the Berlin Wall kept the sheep in but did nothing to prevent freedom from seeping into the minds of the people of East Germany.


The wall failed in its purpose the year was 1989.

Found in history…

Construction began in 122 AD in the province of Britannia the farthest northern border of the Roman Empire under the rule of Hadriani.

The purpose was to draw a line in the woods of the Britannia, later to be known as Great Britain, to keep the annoying raids conducted by the barbarous Picts, the northern city-states of the common area of Britannia.

You can also attribute the construction of the wall to the voices heard in the head of the aristocracy of Rome who believed the gods told them that a wall was needed around the entirety of their Empire to establish how important the Empire was to the world.

Hadrian's wall stretched from the Atlantic to the Dover coast with an average height of 4 feet or 1.2m.

People must have been really short in stature back then because the average person today could trip and roll over Hadrian's wall without any planning.

The wall stood, but the Empire of the Romans did not.


Hadrian's wall fell out of memory its purpose lost to narcissistic whims of a former aristocracy.

Found in history…

The greatest wall!

The power of tyrants is their ability to create fear, either real or imagined.

The emperor tyrants of China and the emperor tyrants of the Mongols had been at war with each other for hundreds of years.

The Chinese emperor's got the noble notion to erect a wall across their entire northern border to keep out the obviously inferior northern tribes from immigrating and diluting their culture.

Construction of what was to be called The Great Wall of China began 220 BC and continued till 206 BC.

A Great Wall it was indeed.

Strong, high and thick and made of the best greatest stones ever.


In the 14th century, the Ming Dynasty even built the wall higher, stronger, faster than anyone ever before.

It could stop an army.

It did stop armies.

But it couldn't stop corruption and betrayal in the Chinese aristocracy.

The wall failed.


Found and lost.

Walls are built by tyrants but not alone.

Walls are built by a people who are afraid.

We, the people of the United States, have never been afraid.

A strong people are not afraid.

It is reasonable to give voice to protection as well as defense.

However, fear is not a position that we Americans have historically made decisions from.

Fear in its primal form allows those that are in its midst of the discussion to be manipulated by tyrants.

Those that are afraid will say or do anything, they will parrot the mindset of the tyrant to alive their fear.

A wall is a projection of fear.

It has always been in the history of the human race.

Like children hiding under the covers in the dark of night a nation,

a people, cannot hide from the reality of this world behind a wall of concrete and steel.

They cannot hide from the economic and political problems they have contributed to.

There are no guarantees.

Yet this nation was founded upon the idea of freedom.

A freedom loving people do not hide behind a wall.

A freedom loving people stand against the headwind and face the dilemma with resolution.

A resolution born out of that specific knowledge that from strength comes responsibility.

That's right!

A nation that has great strength has a great responsibility to protect its citizens but to reach out to the world the steady hand of love.

We have nothing to fear.


Love asks more.

